Free 15 minutes online meeting
Free 15 minutes online meeting
Before we decide to work together it is a good idea to meet online for about 15 minutes, so that you can ask your questions and we can find out if working together is the way forward.
Contact me to arrange this online meeting:
[email protected]
What I will ask you during this meeting is:
How would you describe your current challenge that led you to contact a therapist?
Which kind of support do you expect? What do you feel you need?
How would you describe the solution that you desire to obtain as a result of therapy?
Contact me to arrange this online meeting:
[email protected]
What I will ask you during this meeting is:
How would you describe your current challenge that led you to contact a therapist?
Which kind of support do you expect? What do you feel you need?
How would you describe the solution that you desire to obtain as a result of therapy?
Practical info
Practical info
I put together some practical info that is useful to know and where I get often questions about. I share them upfront so that you can see if you have questions about this.
Intake form
Intake form
Before we can start sessions I will need you to fill in thoroughly the intake form. If you come as couple I will need each of you to do this individually.
The intake has both an administrative function and a therapeutic value as it provides useful information that help me get right to the point already during the first session.
The intake has both an administrative function and a therapeutic value as it provides useful information that help me get right to the point already during the first session.
Starting to work together
Plan Sessions
Plan Sessions
We decided to go ahead and work together. It's time to plan some sessions.
How many sessions we will do is up to you, the average is between 5 and 10.
As the availability tend to be limited in the short term, I suggest to plan ahead the coming 2-3 sessions especially if your availability for sessions is limited to certain days and/or times.
How many sessions we will do is up to you, the average is between 5 and 10.
As the availability tend to be limited in the short term, I suggest to plan ahead the coming 2-3 sessions especially if your availability for sessions is limited to certain days and/or times.
Progress evaluation
Progress evaluation
After every session, really, and at regular interval on a more structure way, we evaluate progress and consequently adjust action plan, if needed. This is a really empowering and stimulating for you.
More sessions
More sessions
More and more people choose, after a more intense period of sessions focused at tackling a specific problem, to keep having sessions, less frequently and for the purpose of staying engages in their personal development. This is perfectly aligned with the vision I have of my work, so I welcome this way of working.