Find yourself connecting your feet to mother nature
When you combine the beneficial effects of meditation and mindfulness with the healing effect of being in nature. Add to that the benefits of walking on your health and you can get an idea of the power of the Walking In Nature Meditation. Aspects of the Japanese nature bathing are combined with fluid walking and meditation techniques to produce a relaxing, healing and energizing experience. It helps to get in contact with yourself, your body and how you feel inside. It gives a way to ground and let go of the superfluous thinking that often distracts you from yourself. Learn how to use the unconditional love nature has for you in furthering your process of self-healing, feel the unity and open up to contact. |
My perspective is based on the coming together of three aspects:
1- Walking: physical movement and contact with your body on a deep intimate level, your body as an instrument for healing; 2- Meditate: turn inward with your attention and feel yourself deeply, experience, be able to walk along, play and discover; 3- Nature: making contact with the healing display and atmosphere that nature offers and in that safe environment go even deeper into yourself. The experience with groups has taught me that even more healing elements arise. 1- The grounding in almost inevitable and that is accompanied by people feeling their power, what they can be and what they really want; 2- Emotions have a safe space to express themselves because nature also offers support in it, people can feel that very easily; 3- The experience in nature shared with a group creates a field between the people who share the experience. In this field a sense of security arises, people can feel themselves and sense the other. Depending on the group it can be the beginning of very profound experiences, where each individual feels the support of the group to go even deeper and more open within themselves. These three elements work on resilience, on rediscovering the resilience that already exists within and on discovering nature as a resource to tap into it. During the workshop invite people to experience the three elements through simple experiential exercises to use walking meditation for the purpose of perceiving yourself differently and discovering something new about how you approach life in general in a soft and playful way: think of using the senses to observe nature (smelling, feeling and listening with your eyes closed), or Zen walking (extremely slow gait that can be very meditative but also very challenging), but also walking barefoot, using nature art to express your feelings etc. These exercises lead to self-reflection that I ask people to share if they want. |
Impressions from past courses |
You can create a group and invite me to teach the course:
Minimum of 5 people (costs is €15 per session of 60 min.)
A course is normally 5 sessions
Send me an e-mail if you are interested to join: [email protected]
Some more inspiration
Nature-WiseCome back to who you are,
to your inner power and to your inner potential. |
NatureForest bathing: heal in nature;
7:30 min. is a summary of the effects experienced by the documentarist. |
Grounding is the secret!
Inner ChildThere is something about nature;
8:30 min. about the healing power of nature. |
MindfulNotice it, get insight from it and let is pass.
Create the space to choose our response from a wiser place. |
BrainThe science of improving your brain through movement;
Walking is the best medicine. |