The importance of being in contact with our desires is greatly under-evaluated. Often seen as a luxury than you need to earn, desires are experienced as frivolous, decorative, unimportant and irrelevant. My claim is that desires are a doorway to our deepest essence and potential and as such deserve attention, care and the opportunity to develop and grow. The perspective I'm offering here looks at desires as a way to manifest your power, to assert what you want and embrace your potential to realize it. Desire is not just frivolous pleasure, the desire to have a child, to meet your soul mate, to earn your living putting your talent to good use, are examples of desires many have and struggle with. The reason we struggle is that we don't have the realization of desire in our life, but the real reason we struggle is that we cannot let go of the desire. The reason we cannot let go of our deepest desires is that they are merely a manifestation of our deepest nature and most precious essence. In light of this, you cannot consider desires as frivolous and unimportant, now you know why you desire and why it is so important for you to do so with more and more passion and energy. What you may have notice relating to your desires is that they tend to get blocked. The most common misunderstandings about what blocks our capability to realize our desires is that the blocks are outside of us and therefore out of our control. What is absolutely true is that what is outside of ourselves is out of our control and difficult to impossible to change. What is also true is that the real blocks to the development of our desires are inside of us. When I talk about blocks inside of us I'm talking about the way we think, what we believe and how this makes us feel, the person that we become because of what we believe. You can say that what you believe about what is possible, reasonable, within your reach, determines what you achieve, what you manage to create in your life. The first important step is acknowledging that the reality we are living now has been created by what we currently believe. You may react negatively to this statement, I understand, so did I when I first heard it. At the time, I was thinking: 'this is not what I want, so it cannot be created by me'. Only later I realized that I was creating my current situation not only with what I wanted but mainly with what I believed was possible for me, within my reach. It was painful at first realizing that I didn't really believe to deserve much, then I started to forgive myself for the painful believes that had grown in my mind and by accepting what was I could start to heal. This is so incredibly important and often overlooked. The first step is acknowledging what is, right now. Especially if it stinks, is important to see it clearly and call it with its name. It is the same as doing a diagnosis to be then able to start a cure. What is required of you is to become intimate with yourself, accepting and embracing everything that you will find in the process. The price at the end of this difficult journey is reconnecting with your most pure essence and creative power. Accessing the pleasure of life at its finest The short answer to the question: How do you create in your life what you desire? Making intimate contact with your inner power, exploring the extension of what is possible and massage the boundaries of what you believe is normal and possible moving gradually towards what is believable, acceptable to finally reach the radical and the unthinkable.
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January 2025